
Friday, August 2, 2013

A Hot Summer Day and Work to be Done

My Goodness today is a Hot one. I  decided that it would be a great day to get some of the yard work out of the way early. So I collected the weed-eater out of the garage and gave it a go.

WOW! It started with only 3 pulls. Ya know weed-eating is dangerous. I'm surprised that I didn't come away with a missing tooth or broken glasses. May have to explain a small dent in the car, Just kidding. ( I did have to look to make sure though)

Then the mowing. I just love how clean and tidy the lawn and the flower beds looks after a trim and hair cut.

Well time for something cool, like.........................Ice Water....................... To re-hydrate. Okay I had 2 glass, but can you blame me just look at it!

Time to tackle the pool issue. I have discovered that we have a hole in the seam of the wading pool that I need to address again. As you can see it doesn't seem to be holding water. This will not make the grand babies happy, And I wouldn't mind sitting with my feet over the edge soaking. ( Okay fine sitting in it). So I tried to hot glue the seam closed front and back. 

With my fingers crossed I filled it up.

 To no avail the pool stretched as it filled and the glue didn't. So I did the next best thing, I went shopping!

And I came home empty handed, there weren't any kids pools or wading pools to be found. So I will have to come up with something that will work. So I broke out the hot glue gun again but this time I added another tool to my arsenal....... a stapler. My thinking is if I can stop the seams of the pool from stretching apart and then seal it with the glue then maybe just maybe I can get wet today! 

Well what do you think happened? Your right it worked! I don't know how long it will remain sealed, but for today I get to get my feet wet! whoohoo.

Thanks for stopping by and I hope to see you again soon.  

                         At 112th Street